Monday, 16 August 2010

Food like at home

It has been now almost three years when I have moved away from home. First it was Budapest and then it was this place. In three years' time I did go home, but as frequently as you would go on a holiday.
All these years I have barely made specific "home food". One of the reasons is that you have to work quite a lot for a rather small result compared to something Italian which is delicious and very quick to put together. The other reason is that I just don't know a lot of recipes, which is shameful, I know, but I've always been a spoiled girl, so I pretty much skipped the kitchen duty.
Today, however I bought Polenta. And although it was surprisingly expensive, I just thought, I really want some. We make it with a special type of cheese back at home, but since I couldn't find any, I just chose goat cheese instead... I am still in the middle of the cooking, but I really like this...I feel useful for some reason. I just like it.

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